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Spotlight H-DATA

The Historical Data Archive (H-DATA) is a hub of historical country-level data going as far back as the French Revolution and in some cases even further. H-DATA works to collect, integrate, and curate historical data from Demscore’s other modules.

By extending data back into time, H-DATA helps researchers answer critical questions about the past and understand the origins of, and find historical parallels to, present-day problems.

The Demscore infrastructure includes five datasets from H-DATA, covering a time span from 1750 to 2017.

For example, the H-DATA Foreign Minister Dataset consists of comparative historical data on foreign ministers’ background and reasons for leaving office in the world’s 13 former and current great powers from 1789 to the present. Another example is the Historical Conflict Dataset (HCD), which merges multiple existing datasets on wars from 1816-1945 to create a comprehensive list of interstate, intrastate, and extrasystemic wars during this time period.

Read more about the data sources provided by H-DATA and how they are prepared and included in Demscore here: Link

Download the H-DATA static datasets here: Link

H-DATA is hosted at the Department of Political Science, Stockholm University.