News & Articles

Using DEMSCORE to combine external data

While DEMSCORE v4 with 145 datasets and 25.000 variables is bigger than ever, we know that there are plenty of other datasets out there that we do not (yet) include. In this post, we will walk you through a little DEMSCORE-hack, illustrating how DEMSCORE can be of help even when using external datasets.

Demscore and V-Dem Workshop in Bergen 2024

In this workshop, Demscore Data Manager Melina Liethmann and V-Dem Data Manager Linnea Fox present Demscore and V-Dem, focusing on how the projects advance methodological developments in social science research, and democracy research in particular. This seminar will be relevant to all researchers who conduct cross-national quantitative research, including MA and PhD students and advanced BA students.

Spotlight H-DATA

The Historical Data Archive (H-DATA) is a hub of historical country-level data going as far back as the French revolution or even further and offers unparalleled depth of data and temporality, enabling researchers to answer critical questions about the past but to also understand the origins of, and find historical parallels to, present-day problems.



On September 12-14, Demscore will be at the Italian Political Science Association (SISP) Conference in Trieste, introducing Demscore modules and methods, as well as the download interface functionalities.



The American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Meeting & Exhibition will take place in Philadelphia from September 5-8, 2024, and this year's theme is Democracy: Retrenchment, Renovation, & Reimagination. Demscore…



The ECPR General Conference 2024 will be held from August 12-15 at University College Dublin. Join us in Dublin to discover how the Demscore e-infrastructure provides free access to harmonized…

With the introduction of Demscore v3, you can merge datasets in a dyadic format with datasets in a country-year format. With the new dyad-location-year Output Format, we create an Output Unit that can append both datasets, as it includes one observation per location, dyad, and year.


The International Studies Association (ISA) will hold its 65th annual conference in San Francisco, April 3-6, 2024. If you're attending, be sure to visit DEMSCORE at the UCDP booth. Our…