Select Data by Output Unit
On this page, you can learn more about Output Units available in Demscore and find links to the download interface with the selected Output Unit filled in advance
The Demscore approach ensures that variables from different datasets are available in the Output Unit chosen by the user. You can select an Output Unit and then choose from a set of variables available, i.e., transformed to this unit. Some of the variables have the chosen Output Unit as a unit of analysis in their original dataset and there is therefore no loss in information when choosing these variables. Other variables need to be transformed/matched/translated to fit to the chosen Output Unit. This may involve aggregating or disaggregating in order to match the Output Units, and it always involves translating between unit identifiers. Most commonly, this involves matching country names, often it involves matching countries to respective governments, or other levels of analysis. We assume that the user-chosen Output Unit is the primary unit of interest and we match other datasets to be expressed in these Output Units as well as possible.
What is an Output Unit?
An Output Unit, e.g., QoG Country-Year, is defined as an output format in which variables can be retrieved from one or more datasets through a strictly defined output grid. A unit table defining this output grid contains unit identifier columns with u_ prefixes and the table is sorted based on these unit identifier columns and has a fixed number of rows. An Output Unit has specific definitions for the level at which observations are presented, e.g., country definitions. For example, variables from a QoG dataset may have been collected under QoG country definitions, but in Demscore can also be retrieved through a V-Dem Output Unit which follows V-Dem country definitions.
Available Output Units
Country-year format
Please note that if you e.g., choose the Complab Country-Year output unit, you will receive observations for the countries and year combinations available in the Complab Country-Year Unit only, even though the original variable may be available for more country and year combinations in its original dataset.
Year coverage: 1750-2023
Country coverage: World
Unit description: This Output Unit includes one observation per country and year and covers the full country-year range in Demscore. Between 1789–2023, it uses V-Dem Country names and definitions; the time span prior to 1789 is covered by H-DATA country names. Countries that do not exist in V-Dem are filled in with Gleditsch and Ward country names. This is the case for the Bahamas, Belize, Brunei, East Timor, Gambia, Macedonia, Surinam, and Tibet.
The Demscore country-year unit offers a convenient way to explore the data, available observations, and variable translations, as it covers the full country-year range available in Demscore. Users should be aware that the Demscore unit may result in some data quality loss compared to the Module-specific units due to country-merges. Therefore, we recommend users to use the most suitable Module-specific unit for their analyses, and use the Demscore country-year unit predominantly to explore the data.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "DEMSCORE Country-Year"
Year coverage: 1789–2023
Country coverage: World
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per country and year. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on country and year identifiers used in V-Dem. Variables from datasets with this Output Unit can be retrieved through Demscore in their original form and without any information loss. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to country and year combinations that exist in the V-Dem Country-Year Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. V-Dem datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of a country and a year variable, are:
- V-Dem Episodes of Regime Transformation Dataset
- V-Dem Country-Year: V-Dem Full+Others
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from one of the datasets above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "V-Dem Country-Year"
Year coverage: 1946–2023
Country coverage: World
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per country and year. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on country and year identifiers used in QoG. Variables from datasets with this Output Unit can be retrieved through Demscore in their original form and without any information loss. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to country and year combinations that exist in the QoG Country-Year Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. QoG datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of a country and a year variable, are:
- QoG Standard Dataset Time-Series
- QoG OECD Dataset Time-Series
- QoG European Quality of Government Index EQI-CATI Country Level 2010-2021 (only phone interviews)
- QoG Environmental Indicator Dataset
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from one of the datasets above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "QoG Country-Year"
Year coverage: 1989–2023
Country coverage: World
Unit Description: The UCDP Organized Violence Country-Year Unit includes one observation per country and a year. A country observation refers to the place where violence has occurred, i.e. a country observation is included if organized violence (i.e. an event) has occurred within its borders. Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. the UCDP dataset whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of a country and a year identifier, is the aggregated version of the UCDP Country Year Dataset on Organized Violence within Country Borders. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to country and year combinations that exist in the UCDP Organized Violence Country-Year Output Unit. Please note that we separate the country-year unit for this dataset from other the other UCDP country-year unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. the UCDP dataset whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of a country and a year identifier, is:
- The aggregated version of the UCDP Country Year Dataset on Organized Violence within Country Borders.
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from the dataset above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "UCDP Organized Violence Country-Year"
Year coverage: 1783-2022
Country coverage: World
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per country and year. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on country and year identifiers used in COMPLAB. Variables from datasets with this Output Unit can be retrieved through Demscore in their original form and without any information loss. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to country and year combinations that exist in the Complab Country-Year Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. COMPLAB datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of a country and a year variable, are:
- COMPLAB SPIN The Child Benefit Dataset (CBD)
- COMPLAB SPIN The Out-of-Work Benefits Dataset (OUTWB)
- COMPLAB SPIN The Parental Leave Benefit Dataset (PLB)
- COMPLAB SPIN The Social Assistance and Minimum Income Protection Interim Dataset (SAMIP)
- COMPLAB SPIN The Social Citizenship Indicator Program (SCIP)
- COMPLAB SPIN The Social Insurance Entitlements Dataset (SIED)
- COMPLAB SPIN The Student Support and Fees Dataset (SSFD)
- COMPLAB SPIN The Housing Benefits Dataset (HBEN)
- COMPLAB MIGPOL IMPIC Political Rights Dataset
- COMPLAB MIGPOL Antisiscrimination Dataset
- COMPLAB MIGPOL Antidiscrimination Raw Data
- COMPLAB MIGPOL Historical Immigration Policies Database
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from one of the datasets above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "Complab Country-Year"
Year coverage: 1946–2023
Country coverage: Europe
Unit Description: The REPDEM Country-Year Unit includes one observation per country and year. This unit is not an original unit of any REPDEM dataset, but created from an aggregation of the REPDEM PAGED datasets available on a Cabinet-Date level. The unit thus includes one observation per country and year covered by REPDEM data. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to country and year combinations that exist in this Output Unit.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "REPDEM Country-Year"
Year coverage: 1750–2017
Country coverage: World
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per country and year. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on country and year identifiers used in H-DATA. Variables from datasets with this Output Unit can be retrieved through Demscore in their original form and without any information loss. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to country and year combinations that exist in the H-DATA Country-Year Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. H-DATA datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of a country and a year variable, are:
- H-DATA Information Capacity Dataset
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from one of the datasets above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "H-DATA Country-Year"
Country/Regional format
Year coverage: 1971–2014
Country coverage: Sweden
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per Swedish agency and fiscal year. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on agency and year identifiers used in QoG. Variables from datasets with this Output Unit can be retrieved through Demscore in their original form and without any information loss. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to agency and year combinations that exist in the QoG Agency-Fiscal Year Output Unit.'
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. QoG datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of an agency and a fiscal year variable, are:
- QoG Swedish Agency Database Budget Data
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from the datasets above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "QoG Agency-Fiscal Year"
Year coverage: Data from around 2020 is included.
Country coverage: World
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per country. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on country identifiers used in QoG. Variables from datasets with this Output Unit can be retrieved through Demscore in their original form and without any information loss. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to countries that exist in the QoG Country Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. QoG datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a country variable, are:
- QoG Standard Dataset Cross-Section
- QoG OECD Dataset Cross-Section
- QoG Expert Survey 2020
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from one of the datasets above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "QoG Country"
Year coverage: 1980–2015
Country coverage: Sweden
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per Swedish municipality and year. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on municipality and year identifiers used in QoG. Variables from datasets with this Output Unit can be retrieved through Demscore in their original form and without any information loss. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to municipality and year combinations that exist in the QoG Municipality-Year Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. QoG datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of a Swedish municipality and a year variable, are:
- QoG Politics, Institutions and Services in Swedish Municipalities
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from the dataset above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "QoG Municipality-Year"
Year coverage: -
Country coverage: EU Member States
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per region. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on region identifiers used in QoG. Variables from datasets with this Output Unit can be retrieved through Demscore in their original form and without any information loss. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to regions that exist in the QoG Region Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. QoG datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a region, are:
- QoG EQI Regional Level 2021 (with all NUTS2 regions)
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from the dataset above.
Year coverage: 1960–2021
Country coverage: EU Member States
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per region and year. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on region and year identifiers used in QoG. Variables from datasets with this Output Unit can be retrieved through Demscore in their original form and without any information loss. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to region and year combinations that exist in the QoG NUTS Region-Year Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit i.e. QoG datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of a region and a year variable, are:
- QoG EU Regional Dataset Long Data
- QoG EU Regional Dataset Wide Data (NUTS 1)
- QoG EU Regional Dataset Wide Data (NUTS 2)
- QoG European Quality of Government Index EQI-CATI Country Level 2010-2021 (only phone interviews)
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from one of the datasets above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "QoG NUTS Region-Year"
Cabinet and Party format
Year coverage: 1900–2019
Country coverage: World
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per party, country and year. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on party, country, and year identifiers used in V-Dem. Variables from datasets with this Output Unit can be retrieved through Demscore in their original form and without any information loss. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to party, country, and year combinations that exist in the V-Dem Party-Country-Year Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. V-Dem datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of a party identifier, a country identifier and a year variable, are:
- V-Dem V-Party
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from the datasets above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "V-Dem Party-Country-Year"
Year coverage: 1944–2023
Country coverage: Europe
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per cabinet and its start date. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged to a cabinet and a date. Variables from datasets with this Output Unit can be retrieved through Demscore in their original form and without any information loss.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. REPDEM datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of cabinet variable and its start date, are:
- REPDEM Party Government in Europe Database Basic
- REPDEM Party Government in Europe Database WE+CEE
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from one of the datasets above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "Repdem Cabinet-Date"
Year coverage: 1946–2023
Country coverage: Europe
Unit Description: The REPDEM Cabinet-Month Unit includes one observation per cabinet and month this cabinet was in power. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to country and year combinations that exist in this Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. REPDEM datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of cabinet variable and a year:
- REPDEM PAGED Month Basic
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from one of the datasets above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "Repdem Cabinet-Month"
Year coverage: 1944–2023
Country coverage: Europe
Unit Description: REPDEM Cabinet-Quarter Unit includes one observation per cabinet and quarter of a year. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to country and year combinations that exist in this Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. REPDEM datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of cabinet variable and a year:
- REPDEM PAGED Quarter Basic
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from one of the datasets above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "Repdem Cabinet-Quarter"
Year coverage: 1944–2023
Country coverage: Europe
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per cabinet and year. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to country and year combinations that exist in this Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. REPDEM datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of cabinet variable and a year:
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from one of the datasets above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "Repdem Cabinet-Year"
Year coverage: 1946–2023
Country coverage: Europe
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per cabinet and party. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to country and year combinations that exist in this Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. REPDEM datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of cabinet variable and a party variable:
- REPDEM Party Dataset Basic
- REPDEM Party Dataset WE+CEE
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from one of the datasets above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "Repdem Cabinet-Party"
Year coverage: 1944–2023
Country coverage: Europe
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per cabinet and potential coalition partners. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to country and year combinations that exist in this Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. REPDEM datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of cabinet variable and a coalition variable:
- REPDEM Potential Governments Dataset with Basic
- REPDEM Potential Governments Dataset with WE+CEE
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from one of the datasets above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "Repdem Cabinet-Potential-Coalition"
Year coverage: 1919–1953
Country coverage: Europe
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes observations per cabinet and the date they got into office. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged to a cabinet and a date. Variables from datasets with this Output Unit can be retrieved through Demscore in their original form and without any information loss.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. H-DATA datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of cabinet variable and a date variable:
- H-DATA Historical Cabinets Dataset
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from the dataset above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "H-DATA Cabinet-Date"
Dyad and Conflict format
Year coverage: 1946–2022
Country coverage: World
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per conflict and year. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on conflict and year identifiers used in UCDP. Variables from datasets with this Output Unit can be retrieved through Demscore in their original form and without any information loss. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to conflict and year combinations that exist in the UCDP Conflict-Year Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. UCDP datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of a conflict identifier and a year variable, are:
- UCDP One-sided Violence Dataset
- UCDP Non-State Conflict Dataset
- UCDP/PRIO Armed Conflict Dataset
- UCDP Conflict Termination Dataset, Conflict Level
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from one of the datasets above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "UCDP Conflict-Year"
Year coverage: 1946–2022
Country coverage: World
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per conflict, location and year. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on conflict, location (Gleditsch and Ward) and year identifiers used in UCDP. To create this unit we stretch the dataset using the comma-separated observations in the gwno column, i.e. creating one row per location, year and conflict. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to location, conflict, and year combinations that exist in the UCDP Conflict-Location-Year Output Unit.
Datasets: This is not an original Output Unit for any dataset in Demscore, but is derived from the UCDP PRIO ACD dataset.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "UCDP Conflict-Location-Year"
Year coverage: 1946–2023
Country coverage: World
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per dyad and year. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on dyad and year identifiers used in UCDP. Variables from datasets with this Output Unit can be retrieved through Demscore in their original form and without any information loss. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to conflict and year combinations that exist in the UCDP Dyad-Year Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. UCDP datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of a dyad identifier and a year variable, are:
- UCDP Conflict Termination Dataset, Dyadic Level
- UCDP One-sided Violence Dataset
- UCDP Non-state Conflict Issues and Actors Dataset
- UCDP External Support in Non-state Conflict Dataset
- UCDP Non-State Conflict Dataset
- UCDP Dyadic Dataset
- UCDP Battle-Related Deaths Dataset, Dyadic Level
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from one of the datasets above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "UCDP Dyad-Year"
Year coverage: 1989–2023
Country coverage: World
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per dyad, conflict issue, and year. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on dyad, issue, and year identifiers used in UCDP. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to location, conflict, and year combinations that exist in the UCDP Dyad-Issue-Year Output Unit.
Datasets: This is the primary Output Unit for the following datasets:
- UCDP Conflict Issues Dataset (Dyad-Issue-Year), Version 24.1
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from the dataset above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "UCDP Dyad-Issue-Year"
Year coverage: 1946–2022
Country coverage: World
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per dyad, location and year. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on dyad, location (Gleditsch and Ward) and year identifiers used in UCDP. To create this unit we stretch the dataset using the comma-separated observations in the gwno column, i.e. creating one row per location, year and dyad. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to location, dyad, and year combinations that exist in the UCDP Dyad-Location-Year Output Unit.
Datasets: This is not an original Output Unit for any dataset in Demscore, but is derived from the UCDP Dyadic Dataset v23.1
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "UCDP Dyad-Location-Year"
Year coverage: 1817–1914
Country coverage: World
Unit Description: The unit for this dataset is a dyad and a year. The dyad consist of two country variables, with country 2 being the country that is diplomatically represented by country 1 in a given year. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on country and year identifiers used in H-DATA. Variables from datasets with this Output Unit can be retrieved through Demscore in their original form and without any information loss. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to country dyad and year combinations that exist in the H-DATA Dyad-Year Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. H-DATA datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of a country dyad and a year variable, are:
- H-DATA Diplomatic Representation Dataset
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from the dataset above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "H-DATA Dyad-Year"
Year coverage: 1816–1945
Country coverage: World
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per country, year and war. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on country, war, and year identifiers used in H-DATA. Variables from datasets with this Output Unit can be retrieved through Demscore in their original form and without any information loss. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to country, war, and year combinations that exist in the H-DATA Country-Year-War Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. H-DATA datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of country, a year and a war variable are:
- H-DATA Historical Conflict Dataset (War version)
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from the dataset above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "H-DATA Country-Year-War"
Respondent-Level Format
Year coverage: 1789–2023
Country coverage: World
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per coder, country and date. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on coder, country, and year identifiers used in V-Dem. Variables from datasets with this Output Unit can be retrieved through Demscore in their original form and without any information loss. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to coder, country, and date combinations that exist in the V-Dem Country-Date Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. V-Dem datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of a coder, a country and a date variable, are:
- V-Dem Coder-Level
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from the dataset above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "V-Dem Country-Date-Coder"
Year coverage: 1900-2019
Country coverage: World
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per party, date and coder. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on party, date, and coder identifiers used in V-Dem. Variables from datasets with this Output Unit can be retrieved through Demscore in their original form and without any information loss. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to party, date, and coder combinations that exist in the V-Dem Party-Date-Coder Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. V-Dem datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of a coder ID, party identifier, a country and a date variable, are:
- V-Dem V-Party Coder Level
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from the dataset above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "V-Dem Party-Date-Coder"
Year coverage: 2010-2013
Country coverage: Europe
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per respondent in the 2010 to 2013 round of the EQI survey data. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on coder identifiers used in QoG. Variables from datasets with this Output Unit can be retrieved through Demscore in their original form and without any information loss. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged coder identifiers that exist in this Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. QoG datasets whose observation can be uniquely identified by a respondent variable for the 2010 to 2013 round of the EQI survey, are:
- QoG European Quality of Government Index Individual Level (2010 & 2013)
If the majority of your variables of interest originate from the dataset above, we recommend choosing this output unit to minimize information loss.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "QoG EQI Respondent ID 2010-2013”
Year coverage: 2017
Country coverage: Europe
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per respondent in the 2017 round of the EQI survey data.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e.QoG datasets whose observation can be uniquely identified by a respondent id variable for the 2017 round of the EQI survey, are:
- QoG European Quality of Government Index Individual Level (2017)
If the majority of your variables of interest originate from the dataset above, we recommend choosing this output unit to minimize information loss.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "QoG EQI Respondent ID 2017”
Year coverage: 2017
Country coverage: Europe
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per respondent in the 2017 round of the EQI survey data.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. QoG datasets whose observation can be uniquely identified by a respondent id variable for the EQI PERCEIVE survey, are:
- QoG PERCEIVE Survey Dataset
If the majority of your variables of interest originate from the dataset above, we recommend choosing this output unit to minimize information loss.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "QoG EQI Perceptions Respondent ID 2017”
Year coverage: 2021
Country coverage: Europe
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per respondent in the 2017 round of the EQI survey data.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. QoG datasets whose observation can be uniquely identified by a respondent id variable for the 2021 round of the EQI survey, are:
- QoG European Quality of Government Index Individual Level (EQI 2021)
If the majority of your variables of interest originate from the dataset above, we recommend choosing this output unit to minimize information loss.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "QoG EQI Respondent ID 2021”
Date and Event Format
Year coverage: 1789–2017
Country coverage: 13 great powers: Austria (the Habsburg Empire/Austria-Hungary), Britain, China (Qing Empire/Republic/People’s Republic of China), France, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Prussia
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes observations per foreign minister and the date they got into office. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged to a minister and a date. Variables from datasets with this Output Unit can be retrieved through Demscore in their original form and without any information loss. Variables from datasets with this Output Unit can be retrieved through Demscore in their original form and without any information loss. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to minister and date combinations that exist in the H-DATA Minister-Date Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. datasets whose rows can be identified trough a combination of a minister and an in-date variable, are:
- H-DATA Foreign Minister Dataset
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from the dataset above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "H-DATA Minister-Date"
Year coverage: 1989–2022
Country coverage: World
Unit Description: The UCDP Event ID Unit includes one observation per violent event. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to events that exist in the UCDP Event ID Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. UCDP datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through an event ID, are:
- UCDP Georeferenced Event Dataset (GED) Global version 22.1
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from the dataset above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "UCDP Event ID"
Year coverage: -
Country coverage: -
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per event. The Event IDs are not similar to the IDs in UCDP GED, hence, they are kept separately in their own unit.
Datasets: Datasets in this Output Unit, i.e., UCDP datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a unique event ID are:
- UCDP Peacemakers at Risk Dataset (2016)
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from the dataset above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "UCDP Peacemakers-at-Risk Event ID"
Year coverage: 1789–2023
Country coverage: World
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per country and date. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on country and year identifiers used in V-Dem. Variables from datasets with this Output Unit can be retrieved through Demscore in their original form and without any information loss. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to country and date combinations that exist in the V-Dem Country-Date Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. V-Dem datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of a country and a date variable, are:
- V-Dem Country Date
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from the dataset above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "V-Dem Country-Date"
Year coverage: 2022–2027
Country coverage: World
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one prediction per country and month. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on country and month identifiers used in VIEWS. Variables from datasets with this Output Unit can be retrieved through Demscore in their original form and without any information loss. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to country and month combinations that exist in the VIEWS Country-Month Output Unit. The set of countries available is derived from the Gleditsch \& Ward (1999) list of independent states, while their geographic extent (and country IDs) are determined by the GIS dataset CShapes v.0.6 (Weidmann, Kuse \& Gleditsch, 2010). For more information, please visit:
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. ViEWS datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of a country and a month variable, are:
- VIEWS Country-Month Conflict Predictions (Last Input Data: January 2022)
- VIEWS Country-Month Conflict Predictions (Last Input Data: February 2022)
- VIEWS Country-Month Conflict Predictions (Last Input Data: March 2022)
- VIEWS Country-Month Conflict Predictions (Last Input Data: April 2022)
- VIEWS Country-Month Conflict Predictions (Last Input Data: May 2022)
- VIEWS Country-Month Conflict Predictions (Last Input Data: June 2022)
- VIEWS Country-Month Conflict Predictions (Last Input Data: July 2022)
- VIEWS Country-Month Conflict Predictions (Last Input Data: August 2022)
- VIEWS Country-Month Conflict Predictions (Last Input Data: September 2022)
- VIEWS Country-Month Conflict Predictions (Last Input Data: October 2022)
- VIEWS Country-Month Conflict Predictions (Last Input Data: November 2022)
- VIEWS Country-Month Conflict Predictions (Last Input Data: December 2022)
- VIEWS Country-Month Conflict Predictions (Last Input Data: January 2023)
- VIEWS Country-Month Conflict Predictions (Last Input Data: January 2023)
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from one of the datasets above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "VIEWS Country-Month"
Year coverage: 2022–2027
Country coverage: World
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per PRIO-GRID Cell and month. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on PRIO-GRID cell and month identifiers used in VIEWS. Variables from datasets with this Output Unit can be retrieved through Demscore in their original form and without any information loss. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to PRIO-GRID cell and month combinations that exist in the VIEWS Country-Month Output Unit. A PRIO-GRID cell is derived from PRIO-GRID 2.0, a standardized spatial grid structure consisting of quadratic cells that jointly cover all areas of the world at a resolution of 0.5 x 0.5 decimal degrees, or approximately 55×55 km around the equator. For more information, please visit:
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. VIEWS datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of a prio-grid cell and a month variable, are:
- VIEWS PRIO-GRID-Month Conflict Predictions (Last Input Data: January 2022)
- VIEWS PRIO-GRID-Month Conflict Predictions (Last Input Data: February 2022)
- VIEWS PRIO-GRID-Month Conflict Predictions (Last Input Data: March 2022)
- VIEWS PRIO-GRID-Month Conflict Predictions (Last Input Data: April 2022)
- VIEWS PRIO-GRID-Month Conflict Predictions (Last Input Data: May 2022)
- VIEWS PRIO-GRID-Month Conflict Predictions (Last Input Data: June 2022)
- VIEWS PRIO-GRID-Month Conflict Predictions (Last Input Data: July 2022)
- VIEWS PRIO-GRID-Month Conflict Predictions (Last Input Data: August 2022)
- VIEWS PRIO-GRID-Month Conflict Predictions (Last Input Data: September 2022)
- VIEWS PRIO-GRID-Month Conflict Predictions (Last Input Data: October 2022)
- VIEWS PRIO-GRID-Month Conflict Predictions (Last Input Data: November 2022)
- VIEWS PRIO-GRID-Month Conflict Predictions (Last Input Data: December 2022)
- VIEWS PRIO-GRID-Month Conflict Predictions (Last Input Data: January 2023)
- VIEWS PRIO-GRID-Month Conflict Predictions (Last Input Data: January 2023)
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from one of the datasets above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "VIEWS PRIO-GRID-Month"
Year coverage: 1960–2014
Country coverage: Sweden
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes observations per agency and agency instruction number. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on agency and agency instruction identifiers used in QoG. Variables from datasets with this Output Unit can be retrieved through Demscore in their original form and without any information loss. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to agency and agency instruction combinations that exist in the QoG Agency-Agency Instruction Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. QoG datasets whose rows can be identified through a combination of an agency and an agency instruction number, are:
- QoG Swedish Agency Database Formal Instruction Data
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from the dataset above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "QoG Agency-Agency Instruction"
Year coverage: –
Country coverage: World
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per actor. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on actor identifiers used in UCDP. Variables from datasets with this Output Unit can be retrieved through Demscore in their original form and without any information loss. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged actor identifiers that exist in this Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. UCDP datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through an actor identifier variable, are:
- UCDP Actor Dataset version 21.1
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from the dataset above.
Year coverage: 1975–2017
Country coverage: World
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per external supporter, actor, dyad and year. No data is translated from or to this unit, hence variables from this dataset are only available in their original form in Demscore. Another version of this dataset, UCDP ESD DY is available in the UCDP Dyad-Year Output Unit. Please choose this unit and dataset if you want to retrieve UCDP External Support Data in other Output Units.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. UCDP datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of an actor, a dyad and a year variable, are:
- UCDP External Support Dataset: Actor-Year (ESD AY)
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from the dataset above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "UCDP Actor-Dyad-Year"
Year coverage: 1975–2021
Country coverage: World
Unit Description: Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on peace agreement identifiers used in UCDP. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to peace agreements that exist in the UCDP Peace Agreement Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. UCDP datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a peace agreement identifier, are:
- UCDP Peace Agreement Dataset
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from the dataset above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "UCDP Peace Agreement"
Year coverage: 1975–2021
Country coverage: World
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per peace agreement, conflict and year. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on peace agreement, conflict and year identifiers used in UCDP. To create this unit we stretch the dataset using the comma-separated observations in the conflict_id column, i.e. creating one row per conflict_id, year and peace agreement. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to peace agreement, conflict, and year combinations that exist in the UCDP Peace Agreement-Conflict-Year Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. UCDP datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a peace agreement identifier in combination with a conflict and a year, are:
- UCDP Peace Agreement Dataset
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from the dataset above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "UCDP Peace Agreement-Conflict-Year"
Year coverage: 1975–2021
Country coverage: World
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per peace agreement, country and year. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on peace agreement, country (Gleditsch and Ward) and year identifiers used in UCDP. To create this unit we stretch the dataset using the comma-separated observations in the gwno column, i.e. creating one row per country, year and peace agreement. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to peace agreement, country, and year combinations that exist in the UCDP Peace Agreement-Country-Year Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. UCDP datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a peace agreement identifier in combination with a country and a year, are:
- UCDP Peace Agreement Dataset
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from the dataset above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "UCDP Peace Agreement-Country-Year"
Year coverage: 1975–2021
Country coverage: World
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per peace agreement, dyad and year. To create this unit we stretch the dataset using the comma-separated observations in the dyad_id column, i.e. creating one row per dyad_id.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. UCDP datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a peace agreement identifier in combination with a dyad and a year, are:
- UCDP Peace Agreement Dataset
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from the dataset above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "UCDP Peace Agreement-Dyad-Year"
Year coverage: 1975–2017
Country coverage: World
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per external supporter, actor, dyad and year. No data is translated from or to this unit, hence variables from this dataset are only available in their original form in Demscore. Another version of this dataset, UCDP ESD DY is available in the UCDP Dyad-Year Output Unit. Please choose this unit and dataset if you want to retrieve UCDP External Support Data in other Output Units.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. UCDP datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of an external supporter, an actor, a dyad (Version 18.1) and a year and a year variable, are:
- UCDP External Support Dataset: Triad-Year (ESD TY)
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from the dataset above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "UCDP Triad-Year"
Year coverage: 1721–2020
Country coverage: Global
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per country, year and migration policy. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on migration policy, country and year identifiers used in COMPLAB. Variables from datasets with this Output Unit can be retrieved through Demscore in their original form and without any information loss. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to migration policy, country and year combinations that exist in the Complab Country-Year-Change Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. Complab datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of country, a year and a migration policy variable are:
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from the dataset above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "Complab Country-Year-Change"
Year coverage: 1980–2010
Country coverage: World
Unit Description: This Output Unit includes one observation per migration track, country and year. Choosing this Output Unit thus means that selected variables get merged based on migration track country and year identifiers used in COMPLAB. Variables from datasets with this Output Unit can be retrieved through Demscore in their original form and without any information loss. Variables from other datasets and Output Units will only be merged to migration track, country and year combinations that exist in the Complab Country-Year-Track Output Unit.
Datasets: Datasets in Demscore with this Output Unit, i.e. Complab datasets whose rows can be uniquely identified through a combination of country, a year and a migration track variable are:
- COMPLAB IMPIC Raw Data Dataset
To minimize information loss, we recommend choosing this Output Unit if the majority of your variables of interest originate from the dataset above.
Click Here to Download Data in the Output Unit "Complab Country-Year-Track"