Demscore (acronym for research infrastructure for Democracy, Environment, Migration, Social policy, Conflict, and Representation) brings together some of the world’s leading research infrastructures and databases.
The University of Gothenburg hosts the consortium which also includes Stockholm-, Uppsala-, and Umeå universities. Together the consortium partners are building a world-leading hub for contextual data with free and user-friendly access to data, documentation, and online visualization tools.
Demscore solves the persistent problem of inconsistent and incompatible datasets in the social sciences with an innovative strategy for open access and real-time customized data merging between all member datasets. Building on the principles of functional data engineering to establish an innovative strategy for data merging, Demscore maximizes usability in measuring contextual data from 25.000 original variables across nearly all countries from the early 1700s to the present. This creates critical time- and cost-saving advantages for data collection, management, distribution, and, not least, for the end-users in the scientific community.
The interdisciplinary nature of Demscore data enables large-scale comparative analyses necessary to advance adequate policy responses to complex societal challenges associated with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) facing Sweden, Europe, and the world. The joint infrastructure ensures data integrity and quality at the highest international standards. As a collaborative effort between leading Swedish universities, DEMSCORE elevates the scale of social science data to a new level, offering unprecedented opportunities for interdisciplinary research and knowledge advancement.
Demscore is funded by the Swedish Research Council, University of Gothenburg, Stockholm University, Uppsala University and Umeå University
The data is provided by Demscore's partnering research institutes:

Uppsala Conflict Data Program/Violence Early-Warning System
The world’s leading provider of data on armed conflicts and organized violence.

Quality of Government (QoG)
Providing some of the largest and most comprehensive datasets on governance.

Comparative Policy Laboratory (COMPLAB)
Complab brings together high quality data on social, environmental, and migration policies.

Representative Democracy
REPDEM combines leading datasets on national governments across Europe/OECD.

Historical Data Archive (H-DATA)
A hub for collecting, integrating and curating historical data for all other Demscore partners.